
Katlyn joined our crew just before the "shit hit the fan" in March (I love that saying). I receive so many emails from new clients who attend Katlyn's classes saying they felt so welcome and loved the class. Katlyn has an extremely generous heart and is a wonderful yoga instructor.

We are so blessed to have Katlyn teach this frequently and I hope you can join her for a class soon.

Fun get to know Katlyn Questions:

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

My fiance and I have talked about a trip to Southern Italy or Venice, or maybe Japan! I would also love to hike the Grand Canyon and see more of the West Coast.

What social/environmental issues are you most passionate about? What are ways yoga can help us make positive change?

It's hard to pick just a few things I'm passionate about, especially because of how intimately so many social issues intersect. I would say women's issues, racial inequity, and the desperate need to live more sustainably fall at the top of the list. I think yoga gets to the heart of transformational change because it asks us to connect more authentically within the self, and so much of the challenges we face stem from disconnection with ourselves, our communities, and our environment. In my classes, I talk about how self-care and yoga are some of the most profound acts of community care because, without a strong foundation of care and compassion for the self, you aren't able to extend that positivity outward.

Name something that you do daily (other than yoga) to care for yourself.

Take frequent screen breaks, especially since working from home has drastically increased how much I am at my computer every day. I also try to get outside for at least a few minutes (even when it's FREEZING!) to appreciate and absorb the refreshment of fresh air.

Do you drink a morning beverage and if so what is it?

I drink a cup of hot tea every morning, my favorite is jasmine green because I like the floral aromatics. Since I started working from home last March, my cat Tigger has come to know that morning tea on weekdays means it's time to check email and time for snuggles. :)

Favorite 3 or 4 postures/movements/preps for postures.

Matsyasana (fish) supported with a block between the shoulders or rolled blanket along the spine

Gomukhasana (cow face) with garudasana-bound arms (eagle)

Ardha chandrasana (half moon)

Virabhadrasana II (warrior 2)

More from Katlyn:

Katlyn came to her mat in 2013 seeking a way to cope with severe anxiety and depression. She was drawn to a way of moving the body that was more than a “good workout,” but a way to cultivate union between my body, mind, and spirit. Katlyn has been teaching since April 2019 and her favorite part of teaching is bringing yoga to unconventional spaces.

In addition to teaching at Peoples Yoga, she has led restorative classes for her former high school’s ladies’ cross-country team, community events at Michigan State University, and a weekly lunch hour class in her office building. Through her teaching, Katlyn hopes to help students experience the same union of physical movement and mental and spiritual balance that first drew her to the practice as a student. She emphasizes the deeply personal experience of this practice, encouraging self-compassion and intuitive movement over comparison or competition.

When she isn’t teaching or practicing yoga, Katlyn enjoys running, cooking and baking, being outside, writing, and spending time with her Fiance Rigo, their Boxer dog Miles, and their cat Tigger.

Misty Belous