Intro Level Classes For Most Abilities

Aerial Yoga

Join us for supportive yoga poses using aerial silks. This is not an advanced class with fancy postures. This is an inclusive class that allows the body to defy gravity and have fun.

All Balance

This 45-minute class focuses on the systems of balance (vision, vestibular, and proprioception) to practice improving our balance.  We will work on creating stability from the ground up and challenge our balance through playful movement. All levels are welcome. We will have the wall or a chair available for support if you are not solid on your feet.

Chair Yoga

Misty created this class for anyone who has a hard time kneeling, putting weight on their wrists and getting to and from the floor easily. Taking this class is a lovely way to build balance, hip strength, upper body strength, core strength, mental clarity, and inner peace without overdoing or risking injury. Chair Yoga incorporates standing and balancing with the support of a wall or chair. Misty has found people who use walkers enjoy this class. 

Friday Night Aerial Yoga

Friday Night Aerial is intended to invoke playfulness and self-exploration in a safe, light-hearted environment. This class offers relaxation, traditional poses in a new perspective, inversion exploration, and ends with a tranquil Savasana. Everyone is welcome!

Gentle Flow Yoga

This class is a softened and slowed flow practice for anyone who likes the feeling of flowing with the breath but needs to take their time. If you can kneel, get to and from the floor with a fair amount of ease, and want to increase your ability to balance and build core strength this would be a good class for you. It is a great option for those who have graduated from Yoga for Arthritis.

Gentle Yoga

This class provides options to find connections in your body and foundational movement skills to help you feel better out in the world. It is a softened and slow practice that uses props to make some poses and movements easier and some harder. We practice building awareness with some less commonly worked-on areas of the body including hands/wrists, feet, necks, and more.

Introduction To Yoga

Join us for an accessible and gentle class to start your week. This class will teach anyone who is new to Yoga or who is wanting to start fresh with movement, breathing, and philosophy principles that will build a well-balanced practice.

Lunchtime Yoga

Do you feel like you are in constant acceleration mode? Pump the brakes on your stress cycle and re-set to coast, restoring your nervous system mid-way through the workday with some nurturing yoga to leave you more clear for the rest of your day. A class uniquely designed to balance out the sedentarism involved in sitting/standing in place all day at work. We will work on movements that counteract the effects of being in fixed/casted positions, learn better alignment at work and in our lifestyle habits, cover regenerative foot care, movement snack techniques, and more in this integrated yoga class.

Mellow Flow

Mellow Flow is a gentle flow class that gives softer cueing and sometimes adds a little music to the class. This class is accessible to most that can get to the floor and off the floor with a fair amount of ease.

Prenatal Yoga

This class welcomes all expectant moms to come connect with the growing being inside as well as the changing body that she is carrying. This class will guide you through gentle and safe breathing exercises, movements, and relaxations to support a healthy pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period.

Sunrise Yoga

Our early morning flow yoga class which is diverse in ranges of motion that are intended to help wake up the mind and body for a balanced day.

Stretch and Shine

Wake up your body, brain and breath with an energizing class before you start your day. All levels welcome.

Teacher Trainee $5 Class

Our trainees have been working hard for 6 months to learn to become amazing teachers. For many of them, this class will be the first 1 hour class they have ever taught. Teaching this class is part of their required hours for certification. The $5 dollar fee for the class goes into the adaptive yoga fund.

Gentle Aerial Yoga

Join us for this nourishing and gentle class that is excellent for anyone new to Aerial Yoga. The silks are very soothing to our nervous systems and gentle postures added to the use of silks is just what many of us need to have a deeply relaxing practice.


This class will begin with fluid and balanced movement with some challenge that involves less efforting and more effortlessness. The end of the class will feature restorative poses to leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed.

Yoga for Arthritis

This is a gentle yoga class that focuses on building strength and integrity to all the joints in the body. Focus is placed on breath and movement in gentle ways to promote the pain-relieving qualities of a well-crafted and mindful yoga practice.

Yoga for Beginners

This class runs in a continual eight-week cycle through the subjects listed below. This is a great intro to yoga or a refresher on the foundational movement principles.

  1. Balancing the spinal curves, learning about postural tendencies, then learning the pelvic wheel, rib wheel, and shoulder wheel work.  

  2. Learning about the four sides of the pelvis and bringing balance to each person’s unique shape. Students work to understand neutral, level, strong, weak, flexible, and tight and within the four sides of the pelvis. This work takes a patient amount of time but often holds the key to hip and back health. 

  3. Shoulders, Stability, and then mobility.

  4. Core. 

  5. Backbends and modified backbends.

  6. Inversions and soft approaches to building up to inversions.

  7. Sun Salutations. Very soft versions working towards intermediate. 

  8. Well-rounded Flow class.

Yoga for Runners

Studies demonstrate Yoga benefits runners by providing greater strength and power, injury prevention and increased flexibility of your ligaments, making for greater resiliency in preventing strains or tears. This class will focus on improving overall health and balance and potentially benefiting your running performance.

Yoga for Recovery


All are welcome to this class focused on cultivating peace, healing, and wellness in our daily lives. Whether you are years into a recovery program, days, or just curious; whether you have struggled with substances, relationships, eating, spending, or any other self-defeating behavior you want to transcend, you may find a home in this class. When pain in our lives becomes too great, we often turn to something to help us survive, soothe, numb, or distract. Often, what has helped us control or manage our pain in the past starts to control or fail us, and we find that while the original pain is still there, we have increased our suffering. There are many paths to recovery from this very human state. Yoga invites us to access the courage to be present with our bodies and our feelings, and to follow with mindful awareness the changes in our bodies and emotions as we flow through our poses. This trauma-informed class begins with a yoga flow, followed by meditation and time for sharing. Sharing is intended to help us process our experience on the mat and build authentic community with each other. While encouraged, sharing is by no means required. A reading will be incorporated into the flow and meditation and serve as a prompt for sharing. This class is not affiliated with any 12-step program, however, inspiration from 12 step philosophy will help keep the sharing portion of the class safe and supportive.

Intermediate Level Classes

All Core

All Core is a yoga-based and multi-modality core strengthening class that focuses on the many aspects of core strength. The pelvic floor, back body, front body and side bodies are not left out of this short 45-minute sequence that flows well and goes by too fast.

Aromatherapy Flow

Join us Sundays for a nourishing movement practice that combines elements of Doterra essential oil blends, music, and radiant heat to start your Sunday properly.

Flexiband Yoga

Invite greater play, self-study, and exploration into your yoga practice with Flexiband Yoga. Similar to the use of yoga props such as blocks, straps, and blankets, Flexi (resistance) bands can be used to make postures either more, or less, challenging. Clear cues and targeted placement of the bands let you feel what is happening in your body. It’s a sensational experience! If you look to your yoga practice as a way to support your long-term functional stability and joint health, this is a class to try. The bands introduce opportunities for varied amounts of challenge while increasing proprioception (awareness of where you are in space). We use the bands to spark connections of body, mind, and breath to journey into greater resiliency and stability. The feeling of in-tune connection can then be carried off the mat into the world.

Equipment needed: some combination of - 2 stirrup bands, 2 large loop bands, and a set of mini bands for each class. See the equipment outline HERE. Other props can include 1-2 yoga blocks (or substitutions), a blanket, 1-2 tennis ball-sized/shaped objects, wall space, and a chair.

Intermediate Flow

This is a class for anyone who knows their practice well enough to set healthy parameters for how intensely to work. Individuals should understand how to safely move through Sun Salutations and be familiar with many of the foundational standing and seated postures.

Intermediate Yoga

With the intention of joyful movement, we work on getting to know a balanced approach to moving in a connected way. This class will sometimes build up to a pose or sequence of movement using props to increase or decrease challenge, and sometimes flow. 

Slow Burn

This is a class for anyone who knows their practice well enough to set healthy parameters for how intensely to work. Individuals should understand how to safely move through Sun Salutations and be familiar with many of the foundational standing and seated postures.