
It has been almost a year of closures and re-imagining/re-inventing our business since this pandemic began. We were lucky enough to meet Quincy just before then and have her join our 300 Hour Teacher Training. Quincy's classes are so full of love and healing. I hope you can join her for one soon

We are so blessed to have Quincy teach frequently and I hope you can join her for a class soon.

Fun get to know Quincy Questions:

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

I would love to go to Mongolia and see the wild horses. I am a horse girl at heart!

What social/environmental issues are you most passionate about? What are ways yoga can help us make positive change?

I am passionate about access in regards to individuals having access to their basic needs/wants/rights and working to build healthy and connected communities. Healthy environments create healthy people so strengthening that symbiotic relationship is essential! Yoga teaches us to listen and be empowered on both an individual and community level so it shows us our interconnectedness.

Name something that you do daily (other than yoga) to care for yourself.

I love to interact with nature in many ways! I do a combination of taking walks with my perfect pup, drinking herbal teas, and growing plants.

Do you drink a morning beverage and if so what is it?

I am very attached to coffee so that is a must in my morning.

Favorite 3 or 4 postures/movements/preps for postures.

Balasana (Child's pose)

Ardha Chandrasana (Half moon pose)

Salabasana (Grasshopper - one of my favorites because it is good for my body although my brain does not like it!)

More from Quincy:

Hello! My name is Quincy. I live in Lansing and received my 200-hour yoga training through the MI Hot Yoga studios in 2018. I also received my aerial yoga certification in 2019. I Am almost finished with my 300 Hour Certification with Peoples Yoga. For me, yoga is a way to heal physically and emotionally. Yoga has taught me to live my truth and help empower others around me. I also enjoy being outdoors, spending time with my magical dog, and drinking coffee. I look forward to connecting with you!

Misty Belous